Litter "Hilla" and "Ranger"
Born: 24.3.2022

Hillas parents "SAANA" Bedarra Connection Snow Ceremony and "FROSTY" Snowfrost Silver Stone

Rangers parents
Winter Melody Break The Wave and Pourple Rain Galandria Novitaris

"RANGER" Arctic Ranger Arctico Encanto

Sire: "Ranger" Arctic Ranger Artico Encanto, PIC: Elo Rahamägi

"RANGER" Arctic Ranger Artico Encanto PIC: Elo Rahamägi

Sire: Arctic Ranger Artico Encanto, pic. Bartosz Staszek

Age 2 weeks

Red and White Boy 3 weeks

Red and white Boy 3 weeks

Red and white Boy 3 weeks

Gray and white Girl 3 weeks

Gray and white Girl 3 weeks

Gray and white Girl 3 weeks

Red and white Girl 3 weeks

Red and white Girl 3 weeks

Red and white girl 3 weeks

Dark gray and white Girl 3 weeks

Dark gray and white 3 weeks

All together at the age of 3 weeks

Snowfrost Caramel "SESSA" 11 weeks Owner: Jannika Pasanen

Snowfrost Caramel "SESSA" 11 weeks

Snowfrost Flames On Fire "ADELE" 11 weeks

Snowfrost Flames ONn Fire "ADELE" 11 weeks

Snowfrost Touch Of Gold "MARLON" Owner: Eveliina Alho

Snowfrost Touch Of Gold "MARLON" 11 weeks

Snowfrost Touch Of Gold "MARLON" 11 weeks